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Go Europe!

July 4, 2024

We love to hear about what our Dragons get up to when they're not on the Lagan.

This summer Karen Martin and Mary-Rose Hesketh took off on an incredible adventure when they joined Team Go Europe to take part in the Vienna Dragon Boat Cup 2024.

Go Europe are a composite team of paddlers from all over Europe.

What an incredible experience! Saturday was race day which kicked off with practice, during which they paddled past the floating islands complete with palm trees and sofas!... fear not they didn't stop for a break but in true dragon style paddled on.

Down and ready, time to race... on the Danube! Go Europe came 2nd in their category winning a trophy and champagne. Great news, worthy of a dip and so they celebrated with a swim.

After race day Team Vienna invited Go Europe to join them on Sunday for a two hour training session with an ice-cream pit stop (is there anywhere better in the world for an ice-cream?) followed by a magnificent picnic and a goody bag !

We love our sport, we love to travel and we love to meet fellow paddlers from near and far.

Congratulations Karen and Mary-Rose keep us posted on what's coming next.

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